Livraison au Maroc uniquement!

Howe Marvine : Morocco ‘tne islamist Awkening and other challenges/ Oxford University press 2005

  Relié de 448 pages ( 15,8 x 23, 4 cm )

“This is a very special book and everyone who is going to Morocco or is seriously interested in that country should have it. Clearly written, it combines a traveler’s description of the country with a historical and contemporary review. It focuses on the opportunities and dilemmas facing King
Muhammad VI as he seeks to modernize and democratize Morocco in the face of long standing economic and social problems, rising Islamist influence and concerns about international terrorism. An established journalist, Marvine Howe has been covering Morocco since the early 1950s and knows almost
everyone of political importance. She provides a rare view of both the underside and the surface of Moroccan politics today.”–Richard B. Parker, Former Ambassador to Morocco

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