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James Morier-Cyrus Le Roy Baldridge (ilustr) : hajji baba of Ispahan / RANDOM HOUSE, NY 1937

1,500.00 DH

First Edition assumed with none stated. RANDOM HOUSE, NY 1937. WITH A PROFUSION OF PICTURES By CYRUS LEROY BALDRIDGE. The Adventures of Hajji Baba by Morier first appeared in 1824, and the book soon became known to a large part of the world as a classic to be compared with Burton’s Arabian Nights. The publishers of the book were surprised to find upon investigation that there exist in this country several “Hajji Baba” clubs, numbering hundreds of members. Hajji Baba is a tale of high adventure in Persia, and it appealed to Cyrus Leroy Baldridge as exquisitely appropriate for his highly colorful illustrations and pictures. At Bagdad, he set off with his wife to retrace the journeys of Hajji himself, and after a series of fantastic adventures (in one town a native told him calmly “the last man who sketched here, we stoned to death”) brought home the sketches for this new edition.


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