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Lalami Laila : Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits /Mariner Books; 2006

100.00 DH

  • Broché : 208 pages (13.46 x 19.81 cm )

“Lalami skillfully limns the dark recesses of the Muslim world and creates true-to-life characters . . . With subtlety and grace [she] explores the emotional complexities of the culture they’re trying to escape—one that bears more resemblance to ours than we may imagine.”—People

“Moroccan-born Lailai Lalami’s thrilling debut novel follows four desperate people . . . fleeing Morocco in a flimsy boat across the dangerous Strait of Gibraltar in a death-defying bid for freedom in Spain, a narrative journey that the popular blogger Lalami handles with a keen sense of history, hope, and panache.”—Elle

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