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Mamour . P. H.(Prince ): Polemics on the Origin of the Fatimi Caliphs by / LUZAC &CO. 1934

400.00 DH

Reliure simili cuir noire de -13,5 x 2,5 x  22 cm –230 pages

PREFACE SOME time ago I began collecting material for an extensive history of the Fatimi Caliphs, and had in mind devoting a chapter to the origin of the dynasty, a point which has been extensively debated by ancient and modern historians. I intended to give the two sides of the story on the one hand that the Fatimis were descended from the Prophet Mohammed and on the other, that they derived their origin from Meimun Kaddah, said to have been a Materialist, and therefore according to Moslem theology a heretic. In this case the reader, after seeing the two accounts, would have been left to draw his own conclusions. However, during my research work in tracing the origin of the two stories, I found that although almost every historian who has mentioned the name Fatimis,

Mamour, Peter Hagop, prince.
Polémiques sur l’origine des califes de Fatimi.
Londres, Luzac & Co., 1934

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